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Spectrum Details
Compound name:Guanosine triphosphate
Spectrum type:LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 25V, Positive (Annotated)
Splash Key:splash10-0002-0000920000-eea0cfe4824f5aee7e4a View in MoNA
Spectrum View
Experimental Conditions
Sample Concentration:1.0 mM
Sample Assessment:Excellent
Spectrum Assessment:Excellent
Instrument Type:Quattro_QQQ
Collision Energy Level:med
Collision Energy Voltage:25
Ionization Mode:Positive
Document DescriptionDownload
Spectra image with peak assignments (PNG)Download file24.2 KB
List of m/z values for the spectrum (TXT)Download file130 Bytes
Generated list of m/z values for the spectrum (TXT-20190109-20465-7STM51)Download file38 Bytes
Dissolution_of_Standard_Samples_for_MSMS_Protocol_SOP_020_v1 (DOC)Download file49 KB
Conducting_MSMS_Experiments_Protocol_SOP_021_v2 (DOC)Download file49.5 KB
mzML formatted file (MZML)Download file4.18 KB
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